CD "Wolkenstein"
recorded 2001 Andreaskirche Berlin
published 2002 Label Carpe Diem
Number: 16265 |
Plaude decus mundi - Christoforus de Monte (ca. 1383 - 1437)
In Suria ain braiten hal - Oswald von Wolkenstein
Ecco la primavera - Francesco Landini (ca. 1335 - 1397)
Questa fanciull'amor - Francesco Landini (ca. 1335 - 1397)
Wer die ougen wil verschüren - Oswald von Wolkenstein
Je voy mon cuer - anonymous (14th century)
Salterello - anonymous (14th century)
Ave mütter küniginne - Oswald von Wolkenstein
De ce que fol pense - Pierre de Molins (14th century)
Kom liebster man - Oswald von Wolkenstein
Mit günstlichem herzen - Oswald von Wolkenstein
Stand auff Maredel - Oswald von Wolkenstein
A son plaisir - Pierre Fontaine (ca. 1390-1447)
N'ay je cause - Martinus Fabri (14th century)
O wunniklicher wolgezierter mai - Oswald von Wolkenstein
La plus jolie et la plus belle - Nicolas Grenon (ca. 1385-1456)
Das Nachthorn - Mönch von Salzburg (14th century)
Ain gut geporen edelman - Oswald von Wolkenstein
Wol auff wir wellen slauffen - Oswald von Wolkenstein
Zergangen ist meins herzen we - Oswald von Wolkenstein
Ave mater, O Maria - anonymous (15th century)

CD Amours me fait desirer

CD Wolkenstein

CD Alta Musica
Reviews CD Wolkenstein
Philological precision and musicological authenticity characterize the work Rainer Böhm and his ensemble have done to illuminate the musical world of Oswald von Wolkenstein (and his contemporaries). The subtlety of the song texts is reflected in their precise and yet graceful interpretation. The artistry of the composition is especially well brought out by this use of instruments without voices. This is a consummate panorama of music in the early 15th century.
Fono Forum
The selection sets out to be colourful, extending to a number of instrumental originals of later songs. The performances themselves are vivid with colour and bursting with life: full of rhythm, the vocals deliberately unadorned and the instrumental work beautifully coordinated. What seems at first sight to be a subject for specialists soon turns into a popular, full-blooded slice of audio time travel.
...and the choice of materials gives a good perspective of what was known in Southern Germany in the first years of the 15th century. All the performers are highly skilled, with a good variety of colours and approaches; but perhaps the main thing is that the performances remain vital and vivid throughout. This is good listening.
The tiny independent audiophile label Carpe Diem praises its "Direct Stereo" natural sound, and I found while listening to this that I could follow them: the recording quality is absolutely first class! Ensemble Alta Musica, directed by Rainer Böhm, has here put together a representative sample of his music. ...the whole CD is so original and of such high quality (including the digipack cover and excellent introductory text) that anything less than five stars would be merciless. This is definitely a CD for all fans of late medieval secular song.