CD "Alta Musica"
recorded 1999 Andreaskirche Berlin
published 2000 Label Carpe Diem
Number: 16260 |
Wel were hym that wyst - anonymous (14th century)
Puisque je sui d'Amours loial servant - anonymous (15th century)
Ce jour de l'an - Guillaume Dufay (1400 - 1474)
Je voy le bon tens venir - anonymous (14th century)
Contre le temps et la sason jolye - anonymous (14th century)
Du ausserweltes schöns mein herz - Oswald von Wolkenstein (1377 - 1445)
Amis tout dous vis - Pierre de Molins (14th century)
Arai ge ja de ma dame - anonymous (14th century)
De tout flors - anonymous (15th century)
O wunniklicher wolgezierter mai - Oswald von Wolkenstein (1377 - 1445)
Gloria de quaremiaux - Guillaume Dufay (1400 - 1474)
Ben che da vui donna - Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370 - 1412)
La manfredina - anonymous (14th century)
Doctorum principem - Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370 - 1412)
Amour doi je servir - anonymous (14th century)
Belle plaisant et gracieuse - Guillaume Dufay (1400 - 1474)
Mon bien m'amour - Guillaume Dufay (1400 - 1474)
La plus jolie et la plus belle - Nicolas Grenon (ca. 1385-1456)
Una panthera - Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370 - 1412)
L'homme armé - Robert Morton (ca.1430 - ca.1475) |

CD Amours me fait desirer

CD Wolkenstein

CD Alta Musica
Reviews CD Alta Musica
We feel ourselves drawn back into the Middle Ages, to one of the banquets at which the Alta Capella played and enjoyed great popularity. The radiant tone of the loud wind instruments, bombarde and shawm, alternates with the soft, gentle sound of the recorders. A fine contrast, particularly as all instruments are played clearly and cleanly and the musicians show great sureness of intonation. The wind instruments are joined in some pieces by fiddle, string tambourine and voice. Here too, all the singers and players command our attention with their varied and sensitive playing.
... a quite splendid production, ... with great tonal variety, ... good ensemble playing!
Dr. Bernhard Morbach, Sender Freies Berlin
The range of instruments in part anticipates the later city waits while sensitively accompanying the song. The sources (Codex Faenza, Codex Reina) are highly promising, the CD still more so: Middle Ages within reach, well described in the booklet and equally lucidly illustrated, and recorded in impeccable sound quality.
All those interested in learning more about the precursors of the city pipers should definitely get hold of this CD. They may well be just as thrilled as I was.
Tibia, magazine for wind music